More than 20 judges from over 20 countries will evaluate your work.
European evaluation system
The fairest grading system: one judge judges only 1 criterion
Each participant of the Championship can participate with
an unlimited number of works in an unlimited number of
The contestants take part in the Championship both in individual and team competitions.
✔Competitive works that have participated in other competitions / championships /
competitions (correspondence nominations) can participate in the Championship.
✔master’s who work on professional materials, who have submitted and paid for an
application for participation in a timely manner, have the right to participate in the Championship
✔The contestant must advance:
• Submit an application by e-mail before the deadline
of 30.03.2025:
• Specify: Full name; Country; City; Nomination; Category
• 3 photos of works in good quality and in different angles
• Video clip (timing 10 seconds. except for the Poster nomination)
• Pay for participation in the amount of 100%
• Send a receipt and a payment screen
* The transportation costs for the awards are made by the participant himself.
* Each master has the opportunity to participate in one or more nominations with any number of works.
* Registration for participation in the Championship is the actual agreement of the
participant with the rules and regulations of the Championship.
* Disqualification of a Championship participant is allowed in the case of:
- Violations of this Regulation
- Violation of professional ethics
- Copyright infringement
According to the results of the Championship, (a) will be determined.
The Best Team
Team competition -at least 20 works in the sum of all categories and nominations. Atleast 10 first places.
The Absolute Champion Grand Prix -
What do you need to become the best of The Absolute Champion in your category!?
At least 10 registered works and at least 5 first places
Winner of the special nomination "Pasion Flamenca"
A unique thematic " Pasion Flamenca" work of art will be awarded in this creative nomination without any rewards. The winner will be awarded with a diploma, a cup, a thematic gift and €250
The evaluation criteria will be: original idea, difficulty and the finish of the work.
Forbidden topics of the championship:
Pouring several types into a single unit to create a single plane.
Editing of nails and the near-nail area (cuticle, rollers) in special programs
(Photoshop, etc.) The quality of the picture does not meet the requirements of the
✔To fasten and glue the tips together
✔Use of tips of any shape and any length (from 1 to 15 cm.)
✔Participation of works that have already participated in other competitions.
✔Camouflage materials. The use of cuticle oil, creams.
First impression: the overall impression of the work as a whole.
Color scheme: selection of colors and their combination. The color should be
harmoniously introduced into the compositional solution of the work. The whole work
should be a non-torn color composition.
Composition, layout: this criterion evaluates the integrity of the created picture, its
Dynamism. The correct construction of the composition, which should represent a
single whole picture.
Harmony in the distribution of color in the work and in the details as a whole
Complexity: The quality of the work is evaluated.
Technicality: the mastery of various techniques of artistic painting is evaluated,
depending on the chosen nomination.
Purity of design execution: accuracy and purity of work, mastery of the material.
Thoroughness of the details. Accuracy of design execution.
In case of non-compliance with these rules, the contestant is awarded penalty points
(max. 3 points).
IMPORTANT!!! All responsibility for the selected category falls on the participant or on the
coach and organizer of the competition group.
Professional categories of participants:
The Championship competitions are held in 9 professional categories:
• Junior
• Master
• Master Instructor
"Junior" is a master up to 18 years old.
¨Debut¨ is a professional who participates in any nomination for the first time.
"Master" is a participant who has passed the "Debut" category in the selected nomination.
"Master instructor" is an instructor who has passed the selected nomination through the category "Debut Instructor”. (at other Championships)
"VIP" is the winner in the category "Master" or "Master instructor" in the same nomination 3 times.
- Each participant must send 3 photos from different angles of the work and, if available, a 10-30 second video.
- For Poster nominations, photos in A4 size
The size of the image provided electronically is at least 3000 pixels on the smaller side.
- Photos of poor quality and content that do not meet the requirements of the competition, as well as works that contradict ethical standards (ambiguous, propagandizing sex, violence, religious and political themes, etc.), are not allowed toparticipate in the competition.
- Each work is assigned a number
March 30, 2025 is the end of registration for the international championship ¨Pasion Flamenca¨
Please register the work of your participants before March 30.
Judging will take place from 1 to 4 April.
As of February 10th we will announce the results.
Participation price:
1 work — 75 Euro
3-5 works — 70 Euro / (per work)
6-10 works — 65 Euro / (per work)
More than 10 works — 60 Euro / (per work)
Payments will be made using: PayPal, Western Union, MoneyGram, bank transfer.
BBVA: IBAN: ES5601824486690201536441
FINVBG IBAN: BG86FINV91501017561558
PayPal: stickerxnails@gmail.com
If you use PayPal to pay, please add to the total amount and the 5% commission
Each judge contacts us to clarify the method, depending on the country in which it is held.
A special theme is the Spanish flamenco.
And there will be a nomination - ¨Create your own nomination.
Delivery costs of the prizes are borne by the recipient.